About Us

Quality Research

We provide an unbiased analysis of how maglev technologies could benefit your application. Whether your organization is considering future transportation options, or novel applications such as energy storage, space launch, or water transport, we will provide you with the critical information needed to make the right decision. 

Leading Experts

Our team includes world leading experts in their respective fields. Maglev would not exist in its present form today without the inventions of several of our core team members. When you consult with Maglev Strategies LLC, we will pair you with just the right people to meet your needs.

Creative Solutions

We pride ourselves on finding solutions to difficult problems. Every project brings a unique set of constraints and challenges, and we tailor our work to the individual project, not vice-versa.

Building Relationships

We believe maglev technology has a bright future in the 21st century. Maglev will help open  a new era of global economic prosperity. We look forward to working with industrial partners who seek to capitalize in this new sector.
